An opportunity calls
Over the past few weeks I have been reading the Vision 54 books by Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriott and have been thoroughly enjoying learning through their experiences. Recently, I contacted Pia and began talking with her about my quest and after a few emails she suggested that I come to their 3 day school from April 19-21 in Scottsdale.
Pia knows that I don’t have much of a budget for these types of experiences and has extended a generous discount on the school, but the cost of the three day program, transportation, lodging, etc would be a pricey excursion in the middle of Spring, or any time for that matter. In the past, though, readers of this blog have told me that if there is a specific monetary need to post about it and perhaps it could get covered (or at least a portion) in exchange for writing about the experience.
Instead of just letting this opportunity slip by due to lacking funds I figured I would at least mention it on the site. The total cost would be about $2,200. I don’t expect anyone to shoulder that expense, but if someone happens to want to provide this I would appreciate it beyond words. I’m not asking for individual small donations right now, rather one person who wants to sponsor the entire trip. It’s an all or nothing type deal and I would feel bad if a lot of small sums came in that weren’t quite enough to make it to the big game.
Golf is by no means a cheap sport and once you get into the thick of working with the top coaches in the world those expenses can skyrocket. I am actively pursuing sponsorship leads to make these types of endeavors possible in the future. For now, I will most likely need to pass on this trip, but getting the invite is a step in the right direction.
For more about Pia and Lynn, please check out:
The reason that I want to attend is to avoid getting overly mental with my game. As anyone who has ever played golf even remotely seriously knows, it’s very easy to get heady out on the course when things turn south. Since day one I have been reading through golf mental books from Rotella’s Golf is not a Game of Perfect to Parent’s Zen golf and everything in between. I have learned a ton through these texts, but knowing my personality I know that I learn better with the hands on approach.
After reading Lynn and Pia’s books I want to know more about their processes and think that by attending this 3 day school I could fast track the mental side of the game. I don’t want to leave it up to trail and error as there isn’t time for that. If there is a way to improve I want to take advantage of it.
There will be a few opportunities like this along the way and some will come with open doors, some with a invoices. It’s a long shot, but I thought it better to ask than to just let it slip by even though I don’t necessarily feel good about asking as there are, of course, more worthy charities in this world. That said, golf is a wonderful game and if by my attending this school I can share their ideas with the masses perhaps we can all benefit from the experience.
The school will be about $1,800, flight would come in around $300. I can probably find a place to crash for free and a rental car for a few days would be about $100. If it was possible to raise about 70 percent of the total then this would be possible. Thank you all for reading and continuing to follow. I don’t expect someone shoulder this cost, but would love to attend if it is possible.
On a related note, my coach has asked me to take the driver out of my bag until we have our next lesson this coming Thursday. It’s gone from bad to unbelievable over the past few weeks. I hit it solid, but am launching the ball hard left, right, left, right. Just playing military golf out there.. I’ve talked a lot about gear and about the driver over the past few months and know that a huge part of it is my swing, but the funny thing is that I can hit it pretty decent on the range. So, the obvious conclusion is that I am getting mental on the tee box. It could be grip pressure or tempo or swing plane, etc. Regardless of whether it’s a tournament or practice round, I’m not moving the ball in the right direction now with that stick so I am going to keep it off the course until Thursday. Adrian, my coach, doesn’t want me to develop a fear of using the big stick so wants me to work on other aspects until we have a chance to see what’s going on. I agree and will be playing without it for a few days.
It’s these types of things that I would like to avoid as much as possible and I think that Lynn and Pia could dramatically help when it comes to learning how to play the game beyond swing mechanics.