Future Patterns
“You look at where you’re going and where you are and it never makes sense, but then you look back at where you’ve been and a pattern seems to emerge.” Robert Pirsig
I think about that at times along the road of The Dan Plan. From day to day it often doesn’t make much sense as far as knowing exactly where I am at that specific moment or what needs to be worked on, but then when I look back at the end of the month or as another 100 hours passes and the retrospective path is always moving in the right direction. It can be easy, though, to get overwhelmed by the vastness of large projects and I am often asked if the idea of having 4+ years remaining is hard to handle. For me, I don’t look at the future and wonder how I can climb that mountain at this specific moment. The future will happen regardless of what any one of us does and we can either work towards a goal or not. I am much more concerned with what I need to be doing today than how I might hypothetically feel years from now. The present can be much more overwhelming than the future.
But, the present shouldn’t be overwhelming at all. It’s the time we have to work towards the future and if you are trying to push yourself in any way then the future will be changed for the better. That’s it. As far as I can tell, that is the secret to success. It’s not focussing on the past/future intangibles, but working on something today. It can be anything at all. Whatever you are working on today is changing your future; creating the reality that you want. This can be as simple as a sit-up, a quick jog, an hour of putting, 45 minutes of programming, five bucks put into the bank, making a healthy dinner, studying for 10 extra minutes, writing a friend a letter, anything. We control this time and this time controls the future. We cannot know exactly where we are going in life, but there are countless things that we can do to positively influence where we might come out. Then, down the road, we can look back and see exactly how we got to where we wanted to be.
For me, I might not know exactly how to get from no golf experience to professional golfer, but years from now I will be able to look back at the paths I took and where I eventually end up will make complete sense.
Today is all we have to change our lives. What are you doing to create the future you want? I’d love to hear some comments on this.