Busy Monday

The Pitching wedge, one of three new clubs that Nike supplied for The Plan.

I pushed the morning into a six hour session out at Heron Lakes today.  At first I was amazed at how busy it was, but then realized that it was a federal holiday and most people had the day off.  It was probably the busiest day out there yet!

The weather was perfect, it’s still been nice and cool in the morn, I actually wore long sleeves, and comfortably, even though it’s early July.  That, however, is about to change.  It’s supposed to be in the mid to upper-nineties this week, I guess summer is finally here..  Not sure how I’m going to deal with that, guess I might have to start wearing shorts, but nobody wears them on the Tour, so I’m not sure if I should grin and bear it with long pants, or just enjoy the nearly non-existent dress code of the public courses I play at and be comfortable while the heat is on.  Guess that’s a question for coach to address this Thursday.

I haven’t really had a chance to use the pitching wedge yet, but brought it out and hit about twenty balls with it today.  It’s fun to use to break up the putting a bit, but I still have so much work to do on the green that I’m not exactly sure how I will be divvying up my time in the months to come.  For now, I’ll just hit a few here and there until coach and I have a chance to really go over the fundamentals of a proper swing.

Think I might try and get out to the course by 7:00 AM tomorrow and get my morning session in before the heat hits..

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