quiet before the storm

Today was the last day where there will just be one club in my bag..

Tomorrow morning I’m meeting Christopher (CS) out at Nike to meet the man that is building my clubs and to pick up a few clubs that he ordered for me.  I’m not exactly sure which ones he picked out, but regardless, it’s exciting to know that I’ll soon be actually lofting the ball for the first time.  I know I still have a ton of work to do with my putting, but it will be nice to mix things up a bit, even if for just 30-45 minutes a day.

As far as putting goes, I’m still trucking along and making some good progress.  Was out at Heron Lakes today and for the third straight day I felt like both my distance and aim were on fire.  I made over 70 percent of my first round of 100 five-footers and hit around 75 percent of my 40 footers to within a three-foot circle.  I’ve also been two-putting pretty much everything on the green for the entire week.

I’m excited about learning a new swing in the coming months, but also ready to get back to the basics and continue my pursuit of putting perfection!

Will let you know which clubs I get asap..

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