Ain’t got time…

As the once mighty Jesse Ventura, AKA Blaine, said:  “I ain’t got time to bleed.”

This was true in the 1987 Central American jungle and it still rings true today.  The largest obstacle in this voyage would be injury and right behind that is potential burn-out and then sickness.

All day Saturday I was uncommonly tired.  I went to my lesson with CS and felt exhausted even though I had gotten a good night sleep the night before.  I figured it was just that Saturday was my normal day off and my body was trying to “rest” but the feeling never really slipped away and I went to bed still feeling exhausted.  I woke up a few hours later and new the cause, I had come down with some sort of flu and it had hit like a Donald Trump presidential candidacy bow-out.

After staying up all night praying to the porcelain god, I cancelled a par-3 game that I had scheduled for Sunday and basically did not get out of bed all day.  My thought was that if I indulged in a pure day of rest, hopefully my immune system would be strong enough to get me back on my feet by Monday.  After a long nights sleep, I woke up today feeling about 65 percent better, but knew that I didn’t have time to wallow for another day.  So, made the game-on call and got out there for practice.  Having not eaten anything solid for 24 hours did not make the practice or gym session any easier, but now that this day is behind me I can say that I feel good for having pushed through and am almost certain I’ll be 100 percent by tomorrow.  I think over-resting was the right call for yesterday and am glad to have this behind me, because “I ain’t got time to bleed.”

After all, this is the week that I get to bring out the 8-iron for the first time and nothing is going to get in the way of that :)

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