An open challenge to Michael Phelps
This is going to be fun.
Goal: Take on Michael Phelps in 18 holes of golf in the late summer of 2013.
Why Michael?: He has announced that he is seriously pursuing golf, has struck a club deal with Ping and has been working with Hank Haney on The Haney Project this year so should be a formidable opponent and a fun challenge for us both. A long term challenge like this is a wonderful way to stay engaged and sharpen your skills. I see it like a Rocky versus Drago type match. Pretty sure in Rocky in this one.
Here’s how it works. First step is to write up the challenge and post it on the Internet via the blog (which we’re doing right now).
Second step is to start tweeting and FB posting to spread the word.
Third step: contact people who work with Michael, whether the producer of The Haney Project or Michael’s swimming coach (who I met while presenting at Chicago Ideas Week last October).
Fourth step: write about it fairly regularly on the blog until it becomes a reality.
Spread the word and let’s make this happen. Dan Plan takes on Michael Phelps summer 2013.
I’m tempted to ask what people think the outcome will be, but will keep that question for a future blog.
Just landed in San Jose, have a connection long enough to write this blog and am about to take off again. Will be in Southern California today until next Monday. Meeting with Titleist tomorrow and am excited!