Betting time, again
I’m not exactly counting scores right now. It’s in between “seasons” for golf and the GHIN handicap system is down for the winter so you can’t register rounds towards your handicap and I’m more working on how to play a round of golf shot by shot instead of worrying about what I’m shooting. Also, It’s 34 degrees out and the greens are frozen, so the game is playing a bit strange right now. It’s the best of both worlds, you get the ball flight of a cold winter day, lots of plugged balls in the fairways and rock hard Arizona-style greens. It’s a wonderful time to work on your game, but not the best time of the year to concern yourself with a final number at the end of the day.
So, this winter is all about learning how to play shot by shot, fine-tuning contact with all shots and furthering the putting game.
One thing that I’m curious about is what will happen when the machine turns back on in February. By then, I’ll have a couple of months of learning how to actually play a full round, I’ll have all 14 club (Nike is making them as I type and sending them to Atlanta for when I arrive there, Thank you Nike!) and with a bit of practice my contact should be a hair better in general by then, or at least one would hope.
If anyone out there is interested in participating, let’s have a guessing game as to what my first handicap will be when the system refreshes with new rounds in February. It goes “live” again February 1 but then will take two weeks to add in new rounds, so take a guess at what my handicap will be on February 15.
For the winner, I will mail a sleeve (that’s three balls for those non-golfers out there) of The Dan Plan golf balls. They are Nike Tour One D balls (my favorite) and have a sweet Dan Plan logo printed on them:
For the record, my last handicap, November 30, was 11.4. From February 1st through the 14th I will probably get in about 6-8 rounds.
Let the guessing begin!