Don’t question the good.

I’m not sure what has been different over the past couple of weeks, but I’ve had consistently great training sessions.  I really thought the winter would be tough and that I would barely get anything accomplished, but so far (It’s not yet the first day of official winter, so we’ll see what tune I’m singing in March) it has proven to be a boost to my morale.  Thinking about it, I have a feeling that it is mostly because of my new “goal setting” approach to training.  Every morning on the way to the course I choose what I think I need to work on most and set a goal for the day in that area.  For example, today I wanted to work on my up-and-downs (where you chip onto the green and then try and putt it in in one putt) and so I decided that I would play as many nine-hole games as it took to get my score to 24.  This isn’t a great score by any means, but I’m still relatively new to all of this, so it’s a starting point.  It took a few goes at it, but eventually I played a round under 24 and I felt like I accomplished that goal for the day and could move on to the next goal.

I think that practicing this way I am able to focus better on the task at hand and at the same time improve by challenging myself to perform better each daily.

Who knows if this is the reason for my good practices, but whatever the reason they couldn’t have come at a better time.  Just a few weeks ago I felt a bit crushed by my progress and a little overwhelmed by the mountain of hours in front of me.  But, as is the case with any large task, it’s best to take it day by day in manageable increments.  If tomorrow I can score a 23 on a 9-hole game than anything is possible down the road!

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