General update and what’s to come
This year’s warmer months, as alluded to in the previous blog post, have been a bit tough golf score wise, but we’re over that and pushing forward for what’s next and what’s unforeseen. The past is there just to learn from and as Haruki Murakami says, “don’t feel sorry for yourself. Only assholes do that.”
There are a few things going on right now. Practice wise, I have still been improving my chipping, putting, pitching and general short game as well as getting my full swing on a better plane for increased consistency and power. Here is a short video of my swing a couple weeks ago and then from yesterday. I have done some voice over for the details of what I was trying to improve:
Sorry about the quality of the second clip, it had to be hand-held and was taken during dusk, which is coming at 7pm these days. The vernal equinox is right around the corner, meaning it’s time to start thinking about winter plans.
Before I get too carried away about early 2015 there are a few things to chat about.
I’ve been in a swing-focus mindset for a bit of time here and haven’t paid too much attention to how the game is breaking down on the course. I have some more work to do before I really get into serious score mode, but it shouldn’t be too long now and I am starting to really hit the ball well once again. So, give it another week and then I plan on getting my recorders out and capturing some updated stats for the site. A lot of people have been emailing me about updating that page and it’s time that some new numbers are put up. Soon.
There is a three-day tournament in October that I am beginning to gear up for. It’s the Puget Sound Scratch Championship which takes place October 17-19 at three different courses: The Home Course, Chambers Bay and Gold Mountain. It should be a great tourney and I can’t wait to play in it.
Before that I am heading to San Diego next week for a 3 day Vision54 course. I love working with those ladies and am very excited to have a chance to see them again; this time for 3 days. I fly down there next Thursday and the course is just outside of San Diego at the Grand Del Mar. While down there I am going up to Carlsbad for a meeting on Monday with a potential sponsor. Unfortunately I cannot mention who it is quite yet, but I am hoping to amp up the game and the site in 2015 and with the help of a sponsor that will be possible. It’s still been just a one man show to date, which is great and all, but there are a handful of things that I would do different if a budget existed.
In a similar vein to the Carlsbad funds quest, I have been working on acquiring funds for a TV pilot. I have a great idea of a show that’s underlying story arc is my journey, but would be appealing to a wider-than-golf audience through themes of skill acquisition, talent versus practice, human performance and the ways and means of achievement. The best part is that outside of being entertaining it would also allow me access to the mini-tournaments and coaches that I would like to be exposed to for experience and wisdom along the way. It’s a win-win that will be funded, just not sure how quite yet.
That’s a bit about what’s been going on. I should write more about all of this soon. For the time being I have been spending the evening hours brainstorming and putting together presentations. Just searching and waiting to find the right partners.
Also, please don’t forget to download and read the entire blog from start until breaking par just a few months ago. It’s a great way to catch up on all of the action and the highs and lows that come with dropping everything to pursue a completely new direction in life. Download it on Amazon here:
Thank you!