Get a(nother) grip.

Sorry for the pun there, I really couldn’t resist!

A shot of my old (left) and new grip.

I met Christopher out at one of the Nike facilities in order to bend my putter and while we were there we decided it was time to put a new grip on the putter.  I’ve been using the Nike Method for the past five months (almost exactly five months) and it has seen a good bit of wear and tear, being the sole club in my possession for most of that time, I used it for at least 30 hours a week every week.  I’m not certain how long putter grips are supposed to last, but being the betting man I am I think it’s safe to say most people do not need to re-grip theirs twice a year.

The new one has a bit more texture on where my thumbs hold on, something that I think will give me a better feel for the club.  But, it’s hard to say what will happen or how it will feel until I get out there and start hitting with it tomorrow.

We also bent the putter head 3 degrees.  Three degrees doesn’t sound like much of a change, but in the precision oriented art of putting, it makes a world of difference.  I’ve been putting with the toe of my putter in the air for the past couple weeks in order to swing with my new hands-lowered stance and this will allow me to continue swinging in that manner but with the club head parallel to the ground, hopefully aiding in solid contact and more consistent stroking.

While out at Rose City today, my car died again.  Apparently, not only is there not a “dinging” noise when you leave the lights on, but also the main lights actually turn off but the parking lights remain on and that is enough to run a battery dead in a couple of hours..  I’m going to have to pay much more attention from now on, this really isn’t like me, I’ve NEVER had to jump a car because of user error in my life until recently, and now I’ve done it at Rose City and Pumpkin Ridge.  Perhaps my mind is on the golf!  Whatever it was, thank you AAA!

My energy was unusually low today, so I only put in about 3.5 hours of practice.  I’ve become much more in tune with my focus and energy levels over the past six months and it seems that every third week I have a lull where it’s best to keep the training down around the 4 hours mark instead of pushing 6 every day.  Not sure why this is, but it is a recurring pattern and something to take note of for future competition schedules.  So, instead of going out to Heron this evening where my focus might not have been 100 percent, I hit the gym and got in a good workout.

Tomorrow is always a new day.  And, on this one in particular, I have a basically new club to play with!

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