
I am finally at a distance of playing where I could potentially register a handicap.  I currently shoot from the white tees (when that type of play enters into practice which isn’t often but at least once a week) with the 6-iron to putter and with those rounds I can enter my stats into the system for an official handicap.

I am thinking that having a handicap could open up a few doors in the near future.  For one thing, I could enter into Men’s Club events around town.  I might turn a few heads when I walk on with just 6 clubs, but we’ll let the numbers speak for themselves :).  Another plus is that I will have an official record of my progress over the years to come.

Eventually, I will have to get a handicap to enter into tournaments, etc.  The question is whether it would benefit my training at this early of a stage or if it could be either daunting or unnecessary right now.  I will hold off on a decision until Christopher and I meet, but this could be something that is started in the next couple of weeks.  I believe it takes 10 rounds to establish a handicap, so perhaps I will have on in the next month or so.  Wonder what it will be…

Any thoughts?

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