It’s not all smiles and roses

There have been a couple of tough days strung together this week. I won’t lie, there are times that being one’s own cheerleader takes it’s toll on things.  Having the support of friends/family and the online community helps beyond belief, but still, the days where everything seems to not be working right and frustration sets in are inevitable.  How we deal with them is, perhaps, what makes us who we are.

This is all part of the process of life and the learning curve.  Striving for something takes a lot of work and, as most people know, work isn’t always fun.  Most days, the work is acceptable as you can see some results start to come in, but there are days like today and yesterday where I feel like I am making huge strides in reverse and it takes everything I can muster to not beat myself up about it.  I have learned over the past 25 months that these times always pass, but it never makes them much easier.  Sometimes it would be easier to run away and hide, to be a kid and forget about things like paying bills, maintaining relationships, making media appearances, keeping up with emails and blogs, judging oneself on progress.  But, that wouldn’t solve anything and in the long run would cause more depression than happiness.

We have to push on, regardless of how we might feel at that moment.  It’s always easier to not do something and getting started is usually the hardest part of any project/activity.  Still, it isn’t exactly easy to consistently and independently push oneself towards an unknown goal and right now I am tired of being the constant optimist.

Alas, this is just a passing phase, one of my bad days and I’m somewhat sorry for sharing this type of thing as I don’t want to be a downer for anyone out there, but I think it is important to know that it’s not all smiles and roses.  I have to remain focussed on the goal every day and it has been about 770 days, so having a bad one or two isn’t all that awful, I suppose.  For the record, nobody is out there telling me what to do, at all.  I’m carrying this torch on my own and at times need a helping hand or slight shove in the right direction.  I promise I will never waver from the goal, but can’t promise that every day will be amazing or even acceptable.

I’m going to head back to the course now.  I played 9 holes earlier and think it’s a good time to play another 9 with the goal being to shift my mood, or at least see how I play in this type of mental state, because you never know how you might feel on the day of a competition and just because you are frustrated doesn’t mean you can take the day off.

Life is ever moving and there are always excuses.  99 percent of the time I feel like the luckiest person in the world.  During this other 1 percent it’s good to vent then get back out to not dwell on the superficial.

Thank you for listening.

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