retirees and me

Today felt a little better than yesterday, but still on the lower side energy wise.  I woke up a bit late (my wake-up times have slowly shifted from 6:30 to 7:30 over the past month) and decided to go down to Rose City on Marijke’s recommendation for a bit of scenery change.  It was nice down there, got two solid hours in and then ran for a quick bite to eat at Bakery Bar, before going back to find the greens had filled out with a gaggle of retired gentlemen, so only got in twenty minutes before i realized that I would not be able to get a hole any time soon, so went to Broadmoor where it was MUCH slower and I got a good two hours in.  Broadmoor had a few retirees putting around, but by no means near the number at Rose City.  I find it pretty funny that outside of me, the average age at a golf course before noon is somewhere in the neighborhood of 68.  I can’t wait, actually, until I can play a full round and join a men’s club and get to go out hitting with some of these guys.  The stories I overhear are sometimes hilarious and I think I can learn a lot from their collective years (perhaps not in golf, but life in general..).  And, they curse like teenage sailors and tuck their pants into their socks.  There is a lot I could learn here.

Was planning on going back out later on, but after I went on a jog and did my Synergy Center exercises it was getting late and I was hungry, so decided to make dinner and relax instead.  Did not get to go out to Pumpkin today like usual because Christopher is in Dallas doing some consulting work with Nike.  He’s coming back tomorrow, so we are planning on meeting up this Saturday, which is good because I have a few questions about my daily routine.  the biggest question is how to keep my daily routine competitive, keeping away the potential monotony of doing the same exercises every day.  Got to keep focused somehow!

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