So much to tell

Not sure where to start with this one.  There has been a lot of news on The Dan Plan front over the past few days and honestly I don’t know what I should blog about and what should be left unsaid (if anything).

I met with Mike O’Donnell of Nike Golf yesterday morning and the meeting went well, we had a little breakfast at the Nike Headquarters in the Mia Hamm Cafeteria, which was nice.  Mike was encouraging about the progress of The Plan and said that Christopher had told him that I was progressing well, which is good to hear!  I was prepared to make a pitch about potentially having Nike as a sponsor of The Dan Plan, but we never really got to that level in the limited time that we had together and instead Mike said that they would continue providing gear and that if I was interested I should set up a meeting with a different person who works with Nike Inc.  It’s hard for me to be unbiased, but I think that The Dan Plan is an interesting story and don’t see why an athletic company would not be interested in aligning with my progress.  Perhaps people are a bit hesitant right now because they think that I will not follow through, but there is no way that that could happen.  I am in this for the long run!

Afterwords, Matt Roth (the cinematographer/documentarian who is in town for a little while) and I went to see Christopher for a two hour lesson over at Pumpkin Ridge which went quite well.  I learned a good bit about my chipping, namely that I was accelerating the club through the shot instead of “dropping” the club as if it was a heavy weight.  This will, like everything, take a while to get down, but it is a good step to work on and I plan on getting out and hitting the grindstone hard this week.  (like that’s different than any other week!)  We also looked at my putting and saw that I was pushing the ball slightly.  I can correct this by having the ball slightly more forward in my stance, an easy fix.

That’s the majority of the news.  It’s been a packed week and I’m looking forward to laying low tomorrow while recharging for another good week!

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