Money woes

There are a few reoccurring worries with The Dan Plan that have nothing to do directly with golf. Tops on that list is money. As unfortunate as it might be, it’s inevitable that if you wish to live in a modern society you need to have means to support yourself. And, if you decide that not only do you want to live in society, but you also want to become a professional golfer, you definitely are going to need some funds..

I realized this before starting down the deliberate practice path, but the truth of the matter is that what was once planned out to be a 3.5 to 4 year project now looks like it will be in the 5-6 year range. And, to make matters trickier, I regretfully planned out everything in the “best case scenario” mindset.  Now I look down the road to late 2015 and wonder how I could possibly make it there financially without some type of support.  I still have my fingers crossed that the project will spark some interest with some good people or corporations, but there are times when crossed fingers just don’t cut it; believe it or not.

I started with enough money for rent, food, gas, bills, some golf lessons and a rare outing with the girlfriend (we’re not talking dinner and movies here, either; more like takeout and netflix, much to her chagrin.  But, perhaps, this topic is another blog altogether).  And what I had saved I figured I could stretch over the four years and hopefully supplement with kind micro-donations on The Dan Plan website, but the only thing stretching is the amount of time it will take to reach 10,000 hours of training.  Where I’m at now is not exactly a dilemma because I don’t see any choice to be made, but it’s not the best situation either.

I’m sticking to the plan regardless of my finances, but if I was to run out completely, it might sidetrack the project for a while as I return to the workforce to save up for another training stint.  I’m still very much hopeful that we’ll be able to find some sponsors for The Plan and I’m still optimistic about the potential of the project as a means to provide proof that success in life is based solely on hard work and not “born talent”, but as cash flows out of the bank account everyday, a sense of unease broods down in my gut.

For anyone interested in specifics, I saved up money for the past five years in the thought that I would either put myself through grad school without having to take out student loans or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, would take a two-year trip around the world.  Through those five years I figured both of those would be a good use of my money so I basically never spent money on anything.  It’s true, ask my friends/family and they’ll corroborate.  I gain little pleasure in the “things” of life, but rather in life’s experiences, so never needed new clothes, cars, bikes, fancy meals, etc.  Not quite a miser, but I was definitely putting it away for a future purpose, just didn’t know then what that purpose would be and now that it’s January 2011 I can say that I’ve spent the past nine full months intensely training to be a professional golfer every day, and at this point I could not imagine doing anything else.  It feels like this is my destiny and it only took five years of living frugally to get here.  Seeing the payoff now, I would gladly start the process all over.

Whether or not this new career path is fulfilling speaks little to it’s feasibility, though.  But worrying about it does me no good, either.  So, I’ll settle with blogging tonight and hitting the links tomorrow.  There’s no sense in crying over spilt milk, especially if there’s still enough milk in the jug to get you through the week.

I just keep reminding myself what Shoeless Joe Jackson said to Costner: “If you build it, he (they) will come.”

If you’re reading this, please keep your fingers crossed that something good will happen and I’ll be able to finish out the project!

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